heres what ive done lighting wise let me know what you think some things will have to be adjusted because the size of the scene has changed.. if u like what i done then mayb karl would like to make the ajustments required for the new scene for his tech folder let me know Il give instructions in what will prob need to be ajusted to achive the same lighting effect.
oh one more thing need to test it on the render farm to check if there any fg flickering n still need to add the lightinging effects. oh yer also some per shot lighting might be called for so after all the animaiting n shots r set up n that i could add a few lights so you can see the characters n stuff also would add dramatic effect.
Karen: Oooooooooooooooooooooooooo
James: cool i write up some basic instructions of what will prob need to b changed then
took bout 5 min to render prob on my shiny new computer tho lol i nt really shore how long it would take to render from scratch cos ive cached the gi from previos rendrs before doing the final one so im guessing it was about 5 mins for a render from scrach lol that at 1280x720.
Karen: Oh yeah as for the space in between each blank, i think its best not to have any light beaming though as it might look messy. So maybe we could have still have a light when the lightning happens, but don't have it coming through. What you think.
James: idno i thaught it looked cool lol... i was gona render it out on a seperate layer anyway so could render it last n then decide on the composite how it looks.
Karen: Oh ok, well if you play around with it abit more then let us know how it goes, you know much more about lighting then what we do.
James: yer il try make a composite of the two in a while so can see what it like.
Karen: Ok great!!!!!! Great work James, like always!!
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